I decided to write a post about the election. Or, rather, my opinion on how it ended.
I'm not an Obama supporter. I wasn't impressed with the so-called "change" he has brought to the country in the past four years, and I'm not exactly looking forward to four more years from him. But that opinion does NOT give me the right to bash him, his family, or his fans/followers/supporters.
Obviously, my views differ from a majority of the nation, as evidenced last night. I don't think gay marriage should be legal (because it goes against everything I have been taught), but other people do. I certainly don't think recreational use of marijuana should be legal, but apparently a lot of people in Colorado do. That doesn't mean that I can whine and complain about said changes on Facebook/Tumblr, post links to hundreds of articles explaining why Obama is going to drive this country into the ground and that the world should end in 2012 because he's been re-elected and that Obama is the devil himself and so on and so forth. (Note: those are not my opinions).
Yes. I am a Romney supporter. Yes, I did vote for him, because I thought he would be able to turn our economy around. Not necessarily completely fix it from its current state, but turn it around. I also just didn't want Obama re-elected. Was I disappointed when it was announced that Obama won? Of course I was, like any other Romney supporter would be. However, my roommate and I decided that we wouldn't get our hopes up for Romney; that way, it wouldn't hurt as much when (not if) he lost. And that idea worked.
Today, I'm still upset, but I'm not going to whine and complain about it like other people. I'm not going to make endless status updates about the turnout of the election (instead I shall post cat videos and "Gangnam Style" parodies). I'm not going to start hundreds of feuds with Obama supporters in comments on articles about the election, like I'm sure my mom is doing right now. I'm going to keep my opinions (mostly) to myself. Yes, over the course of the next four years, I most likely will voice my opinion on how I don't like what Obama is doing. But that's because I have a right to say those things.
So, what am I going to do? I'm going to support my nation's choice of leader (even if I don't agree with said choice). There have been 43 presidents before Obama, all of which I'm sure had people who hate him. But those people still (somewhat) supported him and his decisions. And that's what we, as a nation of United States, should be doing. We should get over the fact that our candidate won/lost, and carry on with our lives.
I just hope the rest of the country will be able to return to a more civil state of mind, grow up, and respect each other within the next 24 hours.