
One Month!

It's basically the end of the month. So, I felt like telling you, readers of my blog, that I have successfully completed ONE WHOLE MONTH (well, almost. But there's only two days left. So, I think it counts) of writing in my journal every day. Yesterday (or the day before, I can't remember), I counted the number of pages left in my current journal. FIFTY!!! Ah!!! I love starting a new journal.

It's fun reading through my old ones...reading innocent entries from when I was a little girl...reading painful entries while I was going through hard times...reading ENDLESS (I think that's a lifelong thing) pages about boys...reading entries from last summer when I was at my dumbest (AKA thinking I was gonna marry my then boyfriend)...etc etc.

Anyway. Just thought I would let you guys know that it's one month down, 11 to go!!

Have a good day!


I Guess You Could Say Life is Wonderful Right Now...

Cuz really, everything is going great! Except for the "not-having-a-job" part...but lets not focus on the negative, and focus on the positive! Yes? Yes. :)

Um, lets see. What has been wonderful about my life since the last time I blogged. Well, I went on a date! Huzzah! And then I hung out with a few guys the other day, which allowed me to leave my apartment! Huzzah! I'm 17/17 on days I've written in my journal! Huzzah! I'm starting to read my scriptures every day and praying at night (still working on mornings)! Huzzah!

Random thought: I'm listening to "Find Your Love" by Drake, and I'm totally making up a dance to it in my head!! I LOVE IT WHEN THIS HAPPENS!!!

My little sister has to be the best little sister ever! She's 8, so obviously she's naive and doesn't understand everything. I jokingly told her that my roommate, Nanc^, was holding me against my will (she thought I meant against a wall) in our room and wouldn't let me leave. Laura (my sister) looked Nanc^ up on Facebook and sent her a message asking her to let me go (I will post a picture of it as soon as I get it)! She's so sweet and I love her to death!

Life is wonderful. Thats all.

Have a good day!


I'm Just Writing This Cuz I'm Bored...

Literally. I have nothing better to do. So, I'm writing a blog post.

Let's see. What to write about.
  • I just watched "The Social Network." That was a pretty good movie.
  • I have watched the entire 6th season of "The Office" in the last three days.
  • I have realized that I am probably the most boring person in the whole world, and that I lead the world's most boring life.
  • I have realized that only one person reads this blog.
  • I got a smoothie today. It was pretty delicious.
  • I started reading a book (in the bookstore Nook) today. I want to go back and read some more.
  • I have written in my journal 10 out of the 11 days of the current year (I have yet to write today's entry)
  • I am going to go write today's entry. Right now.

So thats what I've been up to recently. Nothing exciting. I wish something exciting would happen to me so I can write about it here/write it in my journal. But, alas. I shall continue writing mundane entries about watching tv all day. I NEED A JOB/SOMETHING TO DO DURING THE DAY!!!

I also wouldn't mind going on a date. I haven't been on a date in roughly three months. Just sayin.

Have a good day!



Let me just say I HATE BLOGGER!! I had this post all written out and it said "problem with loading your post--please click back to try again." So, I click back, and it deleted my whole post. I'm very angry right now :(

Anyway. My new roommate (well, she's not necessarily new since she practically lived here last semester) is none other than NANCY DEA WEBER!!

Our room is the best room EVA! We put up streamers, we have our own quote wall, we have little cards with our nicknames above our beds, we have TWO FISH (Party McWeber and Chuck Gardner--I'm their one and only aunt), an Elvis cardboard cutout, but we put Harry Potter's face over it, and a Harry Potter poster in the window. Its awesome!

Things that have happened/I'm expecting to happen:
  • I moved back to Rexburg on Thursday! I love it up here :D
  • I decorated my room with Nanc^
  • I went job hunting on Friday
  • The only positive response I got was that the Little Caesars manager will start calling for interviews on Monday
  • I'm expecting said call, as I've worked for Little Caesars for just under two years
  • I'm hoping to get a call from Dollar Tree in the next couple of weeks
  • I went to Craigo's for dinner on Friday, had my first "Cookie Monster" there, and kinda sorta met a cute guy :P

Thats pretty much it. My life's pretty boring right now, since I know absolutely no one in Rexburg. Good thing church is tomorrow and then FHE is the next day. :)

Have a good day!


Here Comes Goodbye...

As of right now, I'll be saying goodbye to Rexburg on Saturday (maybe Sunday). :'(

What sucks is that I'm most likely still out $949 in rent because who needs housing after the semester has already started?


Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year, folks! May 2011 bring you all something pleasant that you will remember for the rest of your lives!

Since its a new year, I'm going to try really hard to write in my journal EVERY DAY. Yes, you read right. Every day. This is going to be a challenge for me. I was reading through my journal to look back on everything I did this year, and some months had as many as 10 entries to as little as one entry for the entire month! <-- Craziness. So, since I want to remember pretty much everything I do, I'm going to write one entry per day. Obviously some days will be easier to write about than others, but as long as I have something to look back on, I'm good. In June, I tried writing every day. Yeah that lasted for 14 days I believe. So, obviously this will be a challenge for me.

How did everyone ring in the new year? As for me, I watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail with my brother and my aunt. I had only seen the first half before, so this was the first time I've ever seen the whole thing. I think I was laughing more at my aunt's laughter than the movie. However, there were lots of funny parts in the movie. The MOST random ending though...and they didn't even get the Holy Grail! That, personally, was frustrating.

Then we watched ABC and NBC's New Years Eve broadcasts. Both had their pros and cons. Pros of ABC: NKOTBSB (New Kids on the Block/Backstreet Boys)!!! Their performance was amazing! Taio Cruz. Ke$ha (even though her performance was slightly disturbing). Dick Clark--he's such a sweetheart :) Cons of ABC: always cutting to the LA party, having Fergie say who she was, then throw it back to Ryan Seacrest in NYC. Their "street" announcer, Jenny. SO ANNOYING! Pros of NBC: Greyson Chance (even though he was trying too hard). Cons of NBC: wasn't really loud...I was consistently turning the volume up for NBC and turning it down for ABC. Something they should work on. Boring performers that no one cared about. Who wants to watch the performers of the Green Day musical they have on Broadway? Not me.

Eventually it was time for the countdown. Since we have a foreign exchange student from Spain (his name is Vicente), we decided to take part in one of the traditions they do for New Years over there, which is to put a grape in your mouth for each second of the countdown, starting at 12 seconds til midnight (so, 12 grapes in your mouth). I only got to seven before I gave up, for two reasons: the grapes were big, and I don't have a big mouth; and it was too fast for me.

After the countdown, me, my brother, my mom, my aunt, my sister, and Vicente did "shots" of sparkling cider. Essentially, we got Mormon drunk ;)

Then my brother thought it would be a good idea to play the basketball game he got for Christmas til FOUR IN THE MORNING! I'm staying in the room with the tv, so I had to stay up while he played. Not fun.

Well, I hope everyone had a good New Years, and, again, I hope 2011 brings joy into your life!

Have a good day!