
One year later...

On Saturday, I celebrated my one year anniversary of working at Domino's. And let me tell you: it's been an interesting year. I've had my ups and downs as an employee there (everyone does), but after a year I can tell you right off the bat basically every topping on every pizza we make (sometimes pasta and sandwiches too). I can tell you several specials that my store offers. I know how to do things in a very fast time. Etc. etc.

I gave my three main managers gifts on Saturday, saying "thank you for putting up with me for a year." I saw the reactions of two of the three, and I hope the third enjoyed the gift I gave him.

So, thank you to Jodi, Doug, Kaydree, Scott, Austin, Devin, Ezra, Elena, Chas, Shane, and Dave (there may or may not be more that I can't remember :/) for putting up with me for a year, and thank you to everyone else I work with for making each and every shift enjoyable.

Here's to another year (and hopefully more)!

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