Lucky for me (?), I have both of those things due tomorrow...or I guess later today since it is 2 AM. Anyway. Guess who had all afternoon to study and possibly even take said test...and didn't. THIS GIRL. Guess who has had all week to write this essay...and didn't. THIS GIRL. Like I said, I'm the world's best procrastinator.
So, since I couldn't get sent home from work til about 9:15 and the last test at the testing center goes out at 9, I decided the only way to pull this off would be to have an all-nighter with the help of my very first energy drink.
I chose Red Bull since that was the one I had heard the most about from people...lets just say I'm slightly regretting that decision. It had a sour berry candy flavor to it. But I'm thinking all energy drinks taste like that. I got home, ate dinner, brought my laptop out to the living room as well as the materials needed for my late-night-essay-writing, and cracked the can open.
Like I said, it had a sour berry candy flavor, so the first sip was less than satisfactory. But it seemed to be keeping me awake, so I went along with it. I drank it slowly so as not to go completely crazy in the middle of the night, and finished the can just as I was about to start writing the actual essay part of the essay (it's a long story and I don't feel like explaining it at 2 AM).
About halfway through the first portion of the essay I'm pretty sure I hit my crazy, obnoxious phase, because I started live-texting my friend the experience and thought something was way funnier than it actually was. That lasted for a good twenty minutes. I was getting frustrated that I couldn't concentrate on the essay or even figure out how to start it.
Luckily, at 1 AM, I decided I had one hour to work as much on my essay as possible, and then go to bed, since I have to wake up early to study for and take my test. 30 minutes later, since once I get started on something I'm writing, I can't stop until its done, my essay was finished. HALLELUJAH!
All in all, I don't think I'll be drinking an energy drink again any time soon. I'm going to try not to procrastinate such big things and get distracted by TV or a movie. Also, before tonight I had successfully gone 8 days without caffeine (I know it doesn't sound like a huge deal, but it is to me), so I need to get back to that.
It was fun to be a little hyper and crazy for a while, but now I'm starting to feel the inevitable crash coming on that won't be so enjoyable when I have to drag myself out of bed at 6 AM.
Goodnight, all. Or good morning, since y'all will likely be reading this in the morning.
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