"Scriptures are like packets of light that illuminate our minds and give place to guidance and inspiration from on high. They're always available when needed." --Richard G. Scott
"Learning and pondering, searching and memorizing the scriptures is like filling a filing cabinet with values and truths that can be called upon from anywhere in the world."
"To memorize a scripture is to forge a new friendship."
"Scripture can calm an agitated soul. They have the potent power to heal emotional challenges."
"We need to desire to receive revelation and have faith." --Barbara Thompson
"We need to desire to receive revelation, not harden our hearts, believe we will receive an answer, and then keep the commandments. Following this pattern does not mean that an answer will immediately appear."
"Just because we have a strong testimony now does not mean it will always remain that way. We need to nourish it and keep it strong."
"The Lord desires to bless us with guidance and wisdom in our lives."
"We have scarcely scratched the surface; our work knows no boundaries." --L. Whitney Clayton
The way President Monson said "Hello!" at the beginning of his talk was funny and sweet. He talked about temples, which was when I started paying super close attention because my thought was "he's gonna announce temples!" Then he started talking about the Provo Tabernacle and how it burned completely on the inside; only the outer framing remains. He then said that they were going to rebuild the tabernacle (I started clapping) as a temple (I clapped even more, and even shouted out "YES!"). He then went on to announce FIVE more temples, which will be located in Colombia, Wyoming, France, D.R. of the Congo, and South Africa.
"Temples are where relationships are sealed together to last the eternities." --President Thomas S. Monson
"I think I shall dedicate [the Star Valley temple]. Its good fishing there!"
"Happiness is found through following the example of Jesus Christ." --Jose L. Alonzo
"With all that is going on in the world today, we are being raised in enemy territory." --President Boyd K. Packer
"God has commanded that procreation only be performed between a man and a woman who are lawfully wedded."
"Every person who has a physical body has power over the Adversary."
"The voice of the spirit comes as a feeling rather than a sound; we need to listen to that voice that is felt, rather than heard."
"The gift of the Holy Ghost, if you consent, will guide and protect you."
"If the Adversary should take you prisoner, we hold a key to unlock that prison door."
"Avoid all immorality. Dress modestly. Listen to uplifting music."
"We are never far from the side of our Heavenly Father."
"Satan tells people that they are better than others." --President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
"The disciples of Jesus Christ know that a person's true value has little to do with what the world holds to high esteem."
"He that humbleth himself knows that he shall be exalted."
"Satan makes us think we are too small for anyone to take notice of us; he makes us focus on our insecurities."
"It doesn't matter to Heavenly Father where we are, where we rank with our friends, or what our callings are in the Church. What matters is what we do, and how we do it."
"Do not allow people's disrespect to make us angry or upset."
"Four things to remember: 1. At times we may feel invisible, alone, and forgotten, but always remember you matter to Heavenly Father. 2. The Lord entrusts the fullness of the gospel to be proclaimed by the weak and the simple to the world. 3. No matter where you live and no matter how humble your circumstances, how meager your employment, how little your calling in the church, you are not invisible to Heavenly Father. 4. Please understand that what you see and experience now is not forever what you will feel. You will not feel pain and discouragement forever."
"Heavenly Father wants us to know that you matter to him."
In the next session, they sustained the General Officers and Authorities. My sister asked my dad why we (my dad and I) were raising our hands (at our house) when we were asked to. I think she had the mindset of "We're not at the conference center; they can't see us. What's the point?" My dad said something along the lines of "we need to sustain them wherever we are."
"Family history work needs to be done by everyone, of all ages." --David A. Bednar
"Young people need to increasingly be learners who act, and not be acted upon."
"Young people need to devote more time to family history and temple work, rather than to video games and Facebook."
"We are here upon the earth now to assist in this glorious work."
"'Motherhood is not a hobby, it is a calling.'" --Neil L. Andersen
"Faithful members, whose circumstances don't allow them to receive the blessing of marriage and a family in this life, will be blessed with these blessings in the next life."
"Let us be sure that we not become compulsive fingertip communicators." --Ian S. Ardern
"As good as Facebook, Twitter, etc is, let us not push other important things to the side, such as prayer."
"Let us be as quick to kneel as we are to text."
"Determine to be social media's master, rather than let them be the master of us."
"Most of what we worry about is not of eternal significance, and if it is, the Lord will help take care of it." --Carl B. Cook
"In order to have the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost, we must have a hearing ear and a seeing eye, and we must look up."
"The Lord will heal our wounds and dry our tears."
"Without repentance, there is no real progress in life." --D. Todd Christofferson
"1. Invitation to repent is an expression of love. 2. Repentance means striving to change. 3. Repentance means not only abandoning sin, but committing to obedience. 4. Repentance is painful. 5. Whatever the cost of repentance, it is swallowed up in the joy of forgiveness."
"With faith in the Redeemer, potential despair turns to hope."
"As you engage in doing good, the light of Christ will be reflected by your lives." --L. Tom Perry
For "girls night out", my sisters, mom and I went to my Aunt Tamara's house to hang out with her and my cousins from the Provo area. Halfway through the evening, my cousin's new fiance (she got engaged about two weeks ago) came and joined us. It was great meeting him, and I can tell family reunions with him will be a lot of fun :) for "girls night" we played games, ate pizza (one of which caught on fire :\) and talked. My aunt and cousin did some wedding stuff, and we watched the Emma Smith movie (it was on TV).
"The doctrine of the Book of Mormon will lift, guide, and embolden you." --President Henry B. Eyring
"No matter how difficult our circumstance, everything happens for our experience." --Robert D. Hales
"Sometimes, Heavenly Father won't answer our prayers because we aren't ready."
"The most important thing a father can do for a daughter is to love her mother." --Elaine S. Dalton
"Commit now to live so we can always be worthy to enter the temple."
"Virtue is akin to holiness."
"No Polygamist group, or those who call themselves Fundamentalist Mormons, have no affiliation whatsoever with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints." --M. Russell Ballard
"Morality is NOT passe." --President Thomas S. Monson
"The laws of God have not changed, and they will not change."
"The Ten Commandments are commandments, not suggestions."
"The term 'natural man' can refer to anyone if we allow ourselves to be so."
"Don't let a day go by without communicating with Heavenly Father."
"Communication with Heavenly Father is necessary in order for us to weather the storms and trials of life."
I fell asleep not long after the afternoon session on Sunday started.
All in all, it was a great conference weekend, and I can't wait for April :)
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