
Four Months! Woo!

Another month of awesome journal entries has come and gone, and as of today, I'm roughly three pages away from the 50 page mark of my new journal. Crazy.

Can you believe its already May?? I sure can't. This year is going by so fast. My birthday is in 2 months 4 days and 35 minutes (as of 11:25 PM). Crazy.

Something random: I don't feel like I'm 18 years old. Maybe its just the fact that my birthday is coming up in 2 months 4 days and 34 minutes (as of 11:26 PM). Or maybe its just because I live with four 20-22 year-olds. Whatever the reason, I don't feel like I'm 18--more like I'm 20. Just thought I'd let you guys know.

Today, May 2, 2011, is the 13th anniversary of the Battle at Hogwarts. Please take a moment of silence for those killed in the great battle.

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