
No Title

I couldn't really come up with a title for this blog post. I guess I could have called it "my life since I last updated", but that's too boring.

Anyway. This really is a post about my life since I last updated. Brace yourselves, this is a long-ish post.

February 16: My nephew, Nancy's son, etc, Chuck, died. :( So sad! He truly brought joy into my life. Even if he was retarded.

Then, the power went out in Rexburg (or just our street...IDK). Nancy and I were going to make a blanket fort. Except we spent a half hour in the dark before we decided to build one, and then decided we needed more light to build. So, we spent the next half hour trying to find a candle. Then we spent about 10 minutes looking for something to light the candle with. We found matches, and lit the candle. As we were returning the matches, the power came back on. So, we gave up on making the blanket fort :(

February 18: I got my bridesmaid dress in the mail (I ordered it online)! Its great. Once I get a *good-looking* picture of me in it, I'll post it up here. Or maybe I'll just steal Nancy's wedding photos when she gets married. Yeah.

I went on a date with my FHE brother. It was fun :) we went to see the new Liam Neeson movie ("Unknown"), which was super good. Really intense, and I don't think anyone was prepared for the ending. Frank Langella was also in this movie. Once again, he played the "bad guy." It seems like he's always the bad guy in every movie he's in. Don't get me wrong, he's an awesome bad guy. But, it's getting a little boring. Anyone else think Liam Neeson looks like Daniel Craig from the newer James Bond movies in the "Unknown" poster? I don't even think Liam Neeson held a gun during the movie...anyway. After the movie we went to TwizlBerry (FroYo). Yum!

February 19: After I got home from my date and my roommate Kelsi got home from...wherever she was with her boyfriend (at 1:00 AM...so it still felt like the 18th), we discovered our two other roommates (we actually have four, but two were already out of town for the weekend) were also going to be out of town. So, we decided to have an impromptu sleepover (we've already had one of these). We watched "Shark Tale" for about 30 ish minutes before we fell asleep :\

After waking up and doing absolutely nothing all day (besides making delicious grilled cheese--with ham--swamitches and tomato soup), I watched a movie with my other FHE brother, Ron. We watched the ending of the most recent episode of "The Office" (well, I watched the ending. He and his roommates had been watching it for a while) and the last hour or so of "The Longest Yard".

After I got home, I noticed that something was wrong with Party :( I heard a noise (similar to the noise Chuck would make when he played with the rocks at the bottom of the bowl), and looked to see Party in the middle of the bowl, on his side, slowly floating downward. Aah! I got really scared, and stared at his bowl for a good 20 minutes before he finally moved. After that, I spent 10 minutes "encouraging" him to swim. Scariest. Moment. Of my life.

February 20: Party is now back to normal! Woohoo! Church = Amazing! I'm coming to really love the lessons that are being taught in Relief Society and Sunday School. In Relief Society we talked about service, and in Sunday School we talked about being disciples of Christ.

After church, I made dinner. While I was making dinner, something happened in our fridge, causing a giant jar of minced garlic to fall on the ground (and break--our apartment now reeks of garlic). After cleaning it up (which was disgusting), I noticed a tiny piece of glass on the floor. So, I picked it up, walked over to the trash can, and attempted to brush said piece of glass off my hand. I failed. But succeeded at getting a cut on the lower back of my left ring finger and at the corner of my right pointer fingernail. Ow. It now hurts to do anything hardcore with both fingers (it hurts to type this, and hurts when I flex my left hand).

After that, I just hung out in my apartment, talked (texted) with my mom for a bit, until my home teachers came over. Turns out, one of my friends from last semester is now my home teacher! Neat! Their lesson was also really good--it was on prayer.

February 21 (today): Nothing blog-worthy so far. Maybe something will happen at FHE (if we have it today, since its a holiday). Party is still doing good.

I almost went on a picture-taking adventure today. But, I couldn't think of anything to take a picture of, since there's nothing but snow up here. I also decided that one day I will have this camera, or a camera very similar to it. I used one like this on newspaper a couple times and loved it. It might take me a while though, considering my current financial situation. However, I'm going to try really hard to have one by the time I get married (which is at least two to three years away). If that's not possible, I WILL get one before I have kids. Can't have me documenting their lives without a nice camera, especially if I'm going to scrapbook (something I'm not necessarily a fan of) for them.

For those of you still awake after this insanely long post, have a good day!


  1. I'm sorry about Chuck's passing... I give you my sympathy.

    I love how you guys at BYU and BYU-I have Family Home Evening Families. We don't have that at Weber State... and I'm pretty much super jealous!

    I want a camera like that one day too... and I want to learn how to actually use it instead of just pretending like I know how.

    And lastly, Your blog is SO adorable. :)

  2. Thank you for your sympathy :)

    Technically, we're not supposed to call them FHE families. We're not even supposed to call it FHE, since we're not a family. But, calling it FHE is easier than the weird name they've come up with (group gathering...or something like that haha)

    Haha I'll just pretend to know how to use it. Maybe take a photography class...

    Thank you! Yours is also adorable!
