
Attitude of Gratitude #'s 13, 14, 15

I'm terrible at this.

NUMBER 13: For this day, I was grateful for one of my English teachers, Brother Shaffer. We had this paper that was due a couple of weeks ago. I turned it in on time, but failed to meet the page requirement, and had written it the night before (so I knew it wasn't as great as it could have been). He still gave me a B+. I'm also grateful for him because he's a great teacher, and is always super helpful. Now if only he didn't assign a 10-12 pg paper due on December 6th...

NUMBER 14: This day, I was grateful for the retards on YouTube who produced "Friday" by Rebecca Black, because they've done it again. "It's Thanksgiving" is their latest, and its hilarious how serious they are about the song. It made my day. Totally playing it ALL. DAY. on Thanksgiving. There's a link to the video if you hover over "It's Thanksgiving." And then my roommate showed me "Butterflies". This is also hilarious. And there's a link for that as well.

NUMBER 15: For this day, I was grateful for my friend, Nancy. We've been friends for two years now, and it's been great! She went to the midnight premiere of "Breaking Dawn: Part 2" with me and it was awesome. :) Maybe I'll go with her to see "Catching Fire" next year (November 22!) or even "The Host" (even though I haven't read the book yet...much to her dismay).

Hopefully I can get better at this whole "posting every day" thing.

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