
I don't know where my mind comes up with this stuff.

Last night, I had one of the weirdest dreams I've ever had. And I'm going to tell you about it. (To the best of my ability, because it is already slipping away.)

I had moved to a new apartment with my old roommates Kristen and Kristin. I had just gotten everything unpacked (ish) when I remembered that I wanted to share a room with Kristen. So we switched everything around so that it would be possible.

When we were done, we came out of our room to find all of our roommates watching TV. They were all crying. I couldn't figure out why--I had thought they were just watching a movie. I asked them why they were crying, and they told me to shut up. Rude. Then I got a better look at what they were watching on TV. There had been multiple plane crashes in our city (for some reason we were living in Manhattan), and they were watching another plane slowly head towards another building. Now that I'm awake, I have no idea how the plane was slowly heading for another building, because that isn't possible. Oh well.

Turns out that building was our new apartment building! Yay! We felt the plane enter the building. The plane didn't explode upon entry into the building. Weird. There were lots of rumbles and unsteadiness. It felt like we were in an earthquake. When all the shaking was over, we (my roommates and I and friends who happened to be in the apartment) thought the worst was over.

Nope. Since the plane had entered our building a few floors beneath us, we were the ones that felt the top part of the apartment building slowly fall to the left. I'm trying to think of a better way to explain this. If I had a scanner (I actually do, its just not set up and I'm too lazy to do so), I could draw it out and insert it as an image. Oh well. Anyway. Instead of the whole building falling straight down (like the Twin Towers), the part above where the plane entered separated itself from the building and fell to the ground. That's the best description I can give you.

I guess this was happening in the winter time, because the next thing I remember is walking amongst the millions of that town trying to find my way to somewhere to get food and trying to find my way back to Utah. I remember being freezing, since I didn't have a coat, and winters on the east coast are terrible. My friend and I walked and walked and walked until we finally found a taxi that was working (and was actually open). Unfortunately (this isn't possible, but it happened, so I shall write it) it was a taxi van...that was being pulled by a bicyclist. So, we weren't going very fast. Eventually the guy kicked us off (I don't know why) and we were back to walking.

The next thing I remember is running into my cousin Ryan (who leaves on his mission today, I think), and he joined us on our trek to wherever it was we were going. After walking for a long time, we happened upon a McDonald's kiosk that was hidden inside a building. I ordered my usual (double quarter pounder combo). They gave me their pancakes. I was hungry, it was a hot meal, so I didn't care. Besides, McDonald's pancakes are pretty good.

After eating those we walked in the snow for a long time. Eventually, the snow melted and it was sunny once more. We walked into a building, and ended up being in the same room as some high and mighty business person my cousin had been trying to find. They chatted for a bit, and somehow this dude had a private jet or something and said we could use it to get home.

Then I woke up.

Interesting, right? This is the first truly bizarre dream I've had in a while. And I can honestly say I'm not really looking forward to having more.

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