
New Semester Part 1

Here we are, at the beginning of a new semester (for all us weirdos at BYU-I). My thoughts on the day:

I woke up at 7:00, thinking I'd need two hours to get ready. I didn't. I actually ended up sitting in bed (on my computer, listening to music, etc) for about an hour and a half before I finally decided to get ready. Then I got ready--which only took 10, 15 minutes at most. Left my apartment at 9:00 (I wasn't supposed to leave til 9:15) just cuz I wanted to walk to campus cuz there was nothing left to do in my apartment.

I got to my class at 9:15, even though my class didn't start til 9:45. Yeah, I like to be early. So, what? I played some awesome solitaire, farkle, and sudoku before I was able to go into my classroom. Once in said classroom, I played some more sudoku before class finally started.

Class was...interesting. I read some "rate my professor" reviews on this teacher as I signed up, and there were mainly good ones, but some said she treats you like a kid. <-- very true. I didn't really feel like a college student in that class, more like an 8th grader (come to think of it, my 8th grade algebra teacher treated me older than this teacher did. Interesting...), but she's a good teacher nonetheless. I met about 20 new people (thank you "meet people" game...otherwise I would have met like one person), and even though I probably won't remember any of them by Thursday (and vice versa), it was nice to meet people.

After that class I hastily made my way to my American Foundations class that was 15 minutes after my math class...and also approximately 15 minutes in walking distance away. Luckily, I'm a fast walker (thank you Ashley Hildreth for making me a fast walker whenever we walked home in 9th grade ha), so I made it there in 10. :) we went through introductions in that class, and I met a few new people (thank you Brother Webb for forcing us to meet said people). Brother Webb is a hilarious teacher, and really nice. After a scenario that would take too long to explain, he said we could call him at any hour of the day (like at 1:30 AM when we need a ride home from a date) and he would come get us because he loves us. How tender :) he also said the four to five new people we met were our new BFF's and that we most likely could marry one of them (only at BYU-I), and even said there have been three to four couples who have gotten married and met on the first day during that introduction process.

And then I came home and wrote this. :) Part 2 will be coming tomorrow with an evaluation on my three other classes. Here's to hoping they're as good as today's classes :)

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